awareness, communication, dreams, gratitude, happiness, kindness, life, light, Love, nature, Outside, Poetry, Prayer, relationships, Sky, Spirit, thankfulness

My Everything

My everything is you

You who shine

You who send your light afar and warm the dank and dark and dreaded

You who give and give and do not give up, but grow in your giving and have more

My everything is happiness

A nesting

A place of being

Inside, not outside myself

My everything

Is you

You who capture my attention again and again

You who continue to show all that is good

Thank you for being you

Beauty, grandchildren, Loss, mother, nature, Outside, Poetry, Spiritual, Stories

Here And Now

Here And Now
I am not Native
But I feel the pain, hear anguished cries on the river, wind carrying sins of ancestors: mine of timber cutters and millers and growers of wheat
White men and women of European descent following their own calls for survival, And all the while, damage and death being done to the land and the people who came before.
What is to be done now with this, grandchildren?
Are we killing Mother Earth, Father Sky?
Will their stories pass away, no longer whispered in seeded hopes rising in ground and air and hearts we have poisoned?
How can we take steps forward on this common land?


Let It Be So

Let it be so:

clouds write the sky

with every word we need to read

every answer we need to find

every hope we need to feel so we may keep going.

let it be so


I like to think everything needed is available, ready and waiting.

Let it be so.

I like to think we can call on clouds, sun, blue blue sky to make sense of life, what goes on below that unfathomable expanse.

I like to think we have only to call on those clouds, planets, sun, and sky like friends for encouragement to shore us up with positive energy flowing down to us.

Let it be so.

May we find everything needed. May our lives be filled with wondrous goodness!