awareness, Beauty, gratitude, life, light, Love, nature, Outside, Spiritual, spring, thankfulness

When Hearts Hurt

When hearts hurt it’s hard to see clearly anything beyond. When hearts hurt, hours drag on in dulled enjoyment and striking pain. But out there – beyond the walls of self, is a broad sky and nature existing, rejoicing the day! We’re not meant for worry. Nature doesn’t worry. She drinks in sustenance.

We are not meant for anything but life: rhythms and cycles. Each day’s sun and moon rising and setting, whether we see them or not.

Look at this new day! Get outside of yourself and bask in beauty and be thankful for all of life!



do flowers have intuition?Intuition whispers, it doesn’t shout. It is like a spark above a winding path. You can look away, refuse to see and hear. It will fade. But every step you take breathes, blowing on the spark, brightening the glow. Follow intuition to amazing connections!

Today I followed a post by Carol Cassara, “What I’ve Been Up To Since India” – December 22, 2014 –  which led me to write the following comment and a poem –

Your closing two sentences speak of something still fresh and painful though you do not state it. Your post today sparked in me a long poem on grief, and renews in me my great desire, and perhaps yours too, as a writer, to do more than find words for what is felt. E-motion is E-nergy in motion. When we let our communications speak emotion, we allow energy to move in, to change, perhaps to bring a breath of goodness to conditions perhaps thought unmalleable. That is the power and beauty of writing. Thank you.

Here is the fresh from the pen poem:

How quick the desire

return to normal

snap out of it

quit dwelling on that

had a say

get over it

get back to the comfort of before

Except now,

something is changed


focus is shifted

minds cannot stop seeing

images flashing

beautiful anguish



If only the ache could breathe

heart beating

rising out

lifting misery

like flapping wings

pulling pain away

carrying a banner


we live

We live so the sun can rise

coo of the mourning dove

whispers reminders

Whoo whoooooo who

Who dares

to go on?

All this led me to a cruising through Facebook and finding another post which struck a cord which led to more ideas and more words than I can currently connect!

Let yourself be inspired!