awareness, Beauty, gratitude, life, light, Love, nature, Outside, Spiritual, spring, thankfulness

When Hearts Hurt

When hearts hurt it’s hard to see clearly anything beyond. When hearts hurt, hours drag on in dulled enjoyment and striking pain. But out there – beyond the walls of self, is a broad sky and nature existing, rejoicing the day! We’re not meant for worry. Nature doesn’t worry. She drinks in sustenance.

We are not meant for anything but life: rhythms and cycles. Each day’s sun and moon rising and setting, whether we see them or not.

Look at this new day! Get outside of yourself and bask in beauty and be thankful for all of life!

gratitude, happiness, Love, Outside

Love Stories

Love Stories begin in the smallest space in time: a smile, a few words, a shared vision…

Love Stories live in dreams. They linger in words in the mind long after sounds have diminished and distinct memories have faded. Beauty breaks open a place for love to dwell. We are changed by beauty and by love.

Love Stories open us up to what is possible, the happiness we can experience. Part of that happiness is outside in nature. A big part!

I’m so grateful for the life I’m able to live! I walk an hour a day with hubby. Sometimes it’s hard making ourselves go out, but it feels great getting exercise and witnessing beauty.

Nature writes a new love story every day. Get out there! Bundle up or coverup and go out! Look! Feel! Enjoy! Pass it on!